Boudain is also spelled "boudin". The first part of the video series begins at the bottom of the play list: Part 1 of How to Make Boudain. I hope you learn something. Enjoy!
Note: For a meatier boudain sausage reduce the cooked rice content.
Boudin can be served as a breakfast sausage or as an appetizer. It can be boiled, fried, steamed or heated in the microwave oven.
Often times the ingredients needed to make the old fashioned type of boudain is not readily available at your local market. You can find an alternative recipe under Boudain (boudin) Balls which you can use.
A Cajun Boucherie
Entry level positions on our farm, at age thirteen, weren't hard to find. They cropped up everywhere (especially during the rice harvest). The most exciting job I had was driving a large tractor and pulling a rice cart around the fields, without an official driver's license, to drain the harvesters of their payloads and transfer the grain into the transport vehicles. Shucks! That wasn't work. That was fun!
Ingredients (old original boudin recipe)
- 2 pork hearts
- 4 pork kidneys
- 1 lb. pork liver
- 5 lbs. pork meat
- 1 bell pepper, chopped
- 3 onions, chopped
- 4 cups cooked rice
- 2 bunches green onions, chopped
- 1 cup parsley, chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste
Boudin can be served as a breakfast sausage or as an appetizer. It can be boiled, fried, steamed or heated in the microwave oven.
Often times the ingredients needed to make the old fashioned type of boudain is not readily available at your local market. You can find an alternative recipe under Boudain (boudin) Balls which you can use.
A Cajun Boucherie
In Cajun country it seemed that thirteen represented that magical age during which the attainment of certain rites of passage on the way to man-hood was inexplicably thrust upon me like a beast of burden. It was time for me to venture away from the bird nest, so to speak, amble over to the end of the limb, spread my wings and flap them a few times while standing in place just to get the hang of it for when it came time to take flight (or, in my case, when grandpa decided that it was time).
KTIt was the other entry-level projects which I wasn't that fond of ... like feeding and watering the stock everyday, cleaning up their stalls, milking cows, shearing sheep, walking miles with a shovel on my shoulders repairing holes in our rice field and crayfish pond levee system caused by over-zealous rats who loved the sound of water escaping ... and a host of other mundane tasks that no kid should have to go through just to prove that he's a man. But, I got her done.
The final act of the virilité accomplie (manhood accomplished) phase was to slaughter and process my first hog (under the tutelage of my grandfather, of course). I had already become accustomed to bagging and processing smaller game like ducks, geese, rabbit, and quail, but killing and processing a large animal like a full-grown hog was unnerving for me to say the least, and kind of up-front and personal. But again, I got her done.
This was a time when I learned to make cracklins and boudin (boudin). We used a 30 gallon three-legged cast-iron outdoor pot filled half-full with water. It weighed several hundred pounds but the thick iron was an excellent heat distributor. The fire-watcher was responsible for adding firewood to keep everything continuously cooking. We would all take turns stirring the cracklins in the hot cauldron with a long wooden paddle.
After dressing the hog (it was more like undressing the poor thing) we had to prepare the animal for bristle-hair removal. Hogs, especially mature ones, have tough bristles. The best method to remove the tough hair was to douse small areas at the time with boiling water from the hot crackling pot. We used a metal ladle for the boiling water and a dull knife to scrape off the hair from the treated area. Once that job was complete (from head to toe) the entire hog was as smooth as a baby's behind.
The next step was to remove the hog's skin while leaving a significant amount of fat attached to it. Then that would be further cut down into 1 ½ inch cubes and dumped into the large cooking pot of boiling water.
After several hours of slow cooking, the water would eventually evaporate leaving behind the melted fat which would then be processed into cooking lard. A two-hundred-pound farm-raised hog could yield several gallons of cooking fat. And the by-product was “cracklins” of course. Treated with a little salt and cayenne pepper, this Cajun favorite was always a big hit at our home. It was great with boudin and baked sweet potatoes, too. Ahhheee! Lache pas la patate!

I LOVE Boudain! Will eat it most any way, scramble with eggs, plain, boudain balls but my favorite snack is to slice it open lengthhwise, heat it in the microwave (or, out on the grill)with thin slices of cheese and then scoop it out onto saltine crackers. The spicier, the better.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is cajun and we love boudain. We also like pork taso, and a lot of the other recipes that you have on here are right on target with traditional cajun cooking! Keep up the great work. Elissa Benoit
ReplyDeleteThere not be an *A* in boudin!!
ReplyDeleteIt is spelled both ways.
DeleteIt can be spelled either way.
DeleteHotpie in your face!...
ReplyDeleteand a weggie with your drawers,
I will spell boudain my way,
You can spell boudin yours ;-)
amen Jacques
ReplyDeletemr jacques . what size cassing do u rse for the boudin ?
ReplyDeletePerry, copy and paste this link and it will give you options on the sizes of casing to use. I use the medium size.
DeleteAyyyeee!! I love me some Boudain and this recipe rocks!! Much Love! xo
ReplyDeleteTrue Cajun boudin is eaten as a coldcut right out of the refrigerator and is made from the large intestines of the hog. If the recipie is not right you have to eat it hot. I am the only person that will talk about this.
ReplyDeleteHotpie I don't know where these people are from but the only place iv'e seen boudin spelled with an "a" is Texas and the ones i've tasted over there shouldn't even be called that.Best boudin is in Lafayette. LA area where the real cajuns throw down!!!!!!
DeleteCajun Best stop gas station is the bomb.
DeleteThere's no a in boudin. Period!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBest is Boudin King in Crowley, LA .
ReplyDeleteSounds like Beaudreaux and Thibideau at it again!