Cajun Trout Almondine

This Cajun Trout Almondine recipe is an adulterated form of the original Trout Meunière Almondine recipe.

The French word 'meunière', as used here, means food (especially fish) which is dipped in all-purpose flour, sautéed in butter, and accented with citric acid from the lemon juice.

Here we added a couple more ingredients, i.e., chopped parsley and DIY Cajun seasoning to liven up the catch... so to speak. Very delicious! Try it. You will like it, I'm sure.

  • 8 trout fillets, skinned
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 lb. butter
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup of parsley, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds, roasted (375 F. for 7 minutes)
  • 2 units of DIY Cajun Seasoning

  1. sprinkle trout fillets with DIY Cajun Seasoning
  2. dredge in flour
  3. on medium heat melt the butter in a shallow skillet
  4. add fish to the hot butter
  5. cook slowly until golden brown on both sides, turning once
  6. remove fish and place in a warm oven until the sauce is made
  7. in the skillet, add lemon juice and parsley to butter and drippings
  8. mix well then poor over cooked fish fillets
  9. sprinkle sliced roasted almonds over the fillets
Makes 4 servings

Note: In the DIY Cajun Seasoning mix, you may add up to 1 tsp. of Old Bay Seasoning to give your Cajun Trout Almondine an additional traditional southern flavor.

Bon appetite. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for fish posts today!! Love trout and can’t wait to try this recipe!
