Letters to the Editor | Canola Oil Versus Animal Fats (Lard)

My paternal grandparents raised me on a small farm down in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana. They were born in the late 1800s, and they all lived to ripe old ages. I am talking about into their 80s, 90s, and their parents lived to grand old ages, too. My great great grandmother was a centenarian who lived 104 years. They ALL cooked with animal fats.

Modern day cooking oils had not yet hit the grocery stores and supermarkets when I was a kid growing up. We got our oils from hogs (lard), chickens, and other animals on our farm. It is what we used to cook with in our home. Foods cooked with animal fats created better tasting meals than today's Canola or soy oil.

There are occasions when I get in the mood to cook-up a batch of some good ol' homemade cat-head biscuits using fresh bacon grease that's been cooled down in the freezer a few minutes and used as shortening. I would then cut-in the cooled solid fat (not yet frozen) along with a couple cups of self-rising flour and a cup of fresh milk and bake it on high for just a few minutes and look out!

Seems like everyone wants seconds when I serve them piping hot. That's how good they tasted. Those were indeed the good ol' days--the days when you might could live to be a hundred and four.

I prefer using animal fats over processed cooking oils to cook with whenever the occasion presents itself. Making Cajun sausages, pork and chicken boudin, cracklings, frying turkeys, baking biscuits are but a few examples of the occasions when I like to use animal fats and oils.

In my opinion, animals are much better at producing safer fats (assuming they have not been genetically modified), than today's mechanized processes and so-called modern technological advances.

The giant corporations spend lots of advertising dollars to paint pretty pictures and feed us piles of BS on how "safe" it is to use their products just to get us to try it. Once the products become branded and established in the market-place, they then continue to profit by slowly poisoning our bodies every time we purchase another bottle of good ol' supermarket vegetable oil.

While the mega-producers of the one-size-fits-all products, like Canola, which can be used as industrial lubricants, bio-diesel fuels, insecticides and cooking oils (to name just a few) are busy paying-off the right agencies to get approval to sell us their unsafe products, we continue to fork over money to purchase their poisons anyway. It's absurd!

This is one reason, like my ancestors, that I lean toward the side of nature as often as possible. Mother Nature is a special blessing to all of us and we can freely use Her anytime.

There is a lot to be said, and the debate has just begun, about oils like Canola which can be used as an industrial lubricant, a bio-diesel fuel, cooking oil, or the main ingredients in insecticides (same oil, different applications).

Consuming food products with GMO is NOT the way to go. Why do you think the EU, and other importing countries, have stopped buying genetically modified foods from the U.S.?

I'll tell you why. Because they know the products are unsafe, unholy and are slowly killing consumers in the name of profit--just like tobacco companies. 'Nuff said.

Canola Oil in pesticides.  The Health Ranger reveals how the No. 1 ingredient in a pesticide product is actually canola oil, and describes the warnings on the product which include that you should never get the oil on your skin or clothing. Soybean oil is also discussed as a key ingredient in another pesticide product.

Below is an interesting article that I would like to share with you... just to give you a little something to think about?

From “Off The Grid News” – Better Ideas For Off The Grid Living

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