Amy Smith on Fire

Amy Smith is on fire! Find out 'how in the world' she and others like her are burning a place in history. [école de charbon]

Footnote: How many people of my generation, from the area where I grew-up (in the heart of rice country), would have imagined that simple rice straw could be used, in one way, as feed for live stock and other animals, and in another way, compressed into safe briquettes to become an ecologically practical way to cook food - especially for the poverty-stricken people living in distressed areas of the world where the infant mortality rates are high and attributable to toxic fuel materials?

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  1. Gee Whiz! The footnote has got to be the longest question I have ever read.

  2. Yes. Eighty-two words in all, I think? [if you count the hyphenated ones as two words]. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Sorry I could not make the question longer :-)

  3. Jacques, very good post. It kinda makes one feel guilty about being able to live the life we do. Its not that people are dumb, we just become complacent in our lives. Sometimes the seed of thought will take root. Bill

  4. I really love the recipe in so do my kids now there bugging me ma ma cook more potatoes thanks so much ur recipe taught me something new
