Boudreaux and the Frog -- With Age Comes Wisdom

Boudreaux was a 72 year old widower and an avid fisherman. One day while fishing in his pirogue along the bayou near his home he heard the sound of someone's voice. He thought he may have been dreaming because there was no one around. 

As he listened carefully he heard it again.

"Pick me up", the voice said.

Boudreaux looked around and saw that it was a frog sitting on a lily pad about a foot away from his boat.

The old Cajun man asked the frog, 'Are you talking to me?'.

The frog said, "Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up and kiss me then I will turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life and I will make sure all your friends are envious and jealous because I will become your bride".

The old fisherman looked at the frog for a short time. He then reached over and gently picked-up the frog and carefully put the creature in his front shirt pocket.

The frog said to Boudreaux, "Hey! Are you crazy? Didn't you just hear what I told you? I said to kiss me and I will turn into your beautiful bride."

The old man opened his pocket and looked at the frog and said, 'Nah. At my age I would rather have a talking frog.'

With age comes wisdom.


If this story inspires you to try frog legs, check out Jacques' recipe, Frog Sauce Piquante


  1. I dearly love your site. I cook for an elderly neighbor, and told him your "age comes with wisdom". He loved it,laughed, and said he could relate. Also you helped inspire me to make a chicken gumbo for tomorrow,that I had thought about putting off. Thanks for putting a smile on our faces, and good food ideas.

  2. I'm a big fan of Cajun cooking. So glad that I found your blog, your newest follower, Steve.
    Hey, man come on over and visit my blog. I'm just getting started, blogging is new to me, but cooking, especially smoking is something I'm pretty darn good at. Maybe you would like to follow me, I'd appreciate the support.
