The Hunt for Perfect Scrambled Eggs

The Hunt for Perfect Scrambled Eggs started for me when I was the camp cook for a local hunting club -- The Texarkana Hunting Club--who hunted mainly white-tail deer in south-central Arkansas.

Deer hunters are finicky about their breakfast, especially when it comes to certain odors and scents which they claim deer can smell from a distance -- like onions and peppers, for example.

From the beginning of my occupation of the hunting club's kitchen I was informed, in no uncertain terms, of this almost sacred rule. So, for breakfast I had to prepare foods, like scrambled eggs, without the usual add-ins like onions, garlic and peppers, as previously noted, which are associated with my style of Cajun cooking.

Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Here is a simple recipe which the hunters enjoyed. You can apply it to home cooking, too, if someone in your group doesn't like the taste of onions and other spices. It will serve 20 people.

  • 30 large eggs
  • 30 Tbs water (just shy of 2 cups)
  • 10 Tbs butter
  • 1 tsp salt

On medium heat in a large heavy skillet melt the butter. In a large bowl beat the eggs, water and salt together well. Add the mixture to the skillet and slowly cook while scrapping the bottom and sides. You should constantly stir the eggs around until they are sufficiently done. Do not over-cook the eggs because they will dry-up too quickly. It's always a good idea to serve your scrambled eggs slightly moist.

Question? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Answer: the rooster.

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